Biotimizers MassZymes Advanced Enzymes Formula Reviews & Sale

MassZymes Advanced Enzymes Formula

Biotimizers MassZymes Advanced Enzymes Formula 

Masszymes - Advanced Enzyme Formula

  • YES! I will dramatically increase my protein absorption and synthesis.


    YES! I will optimize the value and effectiveness of the protein I’m consuming.


    YES! I will cleanse my guts, and eliminate: constipation, excess gas and acid reflux.


    YES! I will speed up my recovery from tough workouts by 75%.


Shocking Truth About Enzyme Formulations

Is your body making the most of all the protein you’re consuming?
Let’s face it: No protein, no growth.
And we’ve all been bombarded with the latest trends in protein powders, weight gainers, lean gainers, combined protein, plant protein, whey, and egg etc…
…and the list goes on and on.
But one of the harsh realities I’ve learned from peak performance expert Wade Lightheart is this:
Most of the protein individuals consume ends up in one of two places.
One is your toilet bowl.
Make sure you are ABSORBING the foods you eat, ok?
Protein isn’t cheap whether it’s coming from food or shakes.
nd the second place is in a nice layer of sludge somewhere in your digestive tract.
And that all adds up to one GIANT-SIZED WASTE OF MONEY AND EFFORT from all the food you’re eating — especially if you’re taking protein supplements.
You’re absorbing and using only a tiny fraction of the nutrients you’re taking in.
So what’s going on here? And what’s the solution?
Fact is, our bodies require ENZYMES to perform at their best.
And without getting too complicated, enzymes are THE WORKERS in our bodies. (In many ways, they’re the “holy grail” of health).
EVERY function in your body requires enzymes
Enzymes digest your food, stimulate your brain, provide cellular energy, and repair all the cells, tissues and organs of your body.
Enzymes are the sparks that make everything happen.
MassZymes Advanced Enzymes Formula

AND HERE’S THE BAD NEWS: Our bodies have a LIMITED enzyme-producing capacity, which naturally declines as we age. (In fact, most individuals have only 30 percent of their enzyme potential by the time they are 40 years old!).
Your body naturally produces over 3,000 different types of enzymes, yet our ONLY external source of enzymes comes from THE FOOD WE EAT.
Digestive enzymes are found naturally in ALL food, whether it’s fruits, vegetables, or meats.
However, most of the food we consume in our modern diets is completely devoid of enzymes, because of how we grow, prepare and transport it.
In other words, all cooked food is deficient in digestive enzymes, leaving very little to break down your food.
This means most of us are UNABLE to effectively digest the protein we eat.
And that’s pretty shocking and scary when you think about it.
In other words, all cooked food is deficient in digestive enzymes, leaving very little to break down your food.
This means most of us are UNABLE to effectively digest the protein we eat.
And that’s pretty shocking and scary when you think about it.
But don’t be too alarmed, because some very bright scientist brains have thankfully figured out a solution:
MassZymes Advanced Enzymes Formula

You see, it turns out that enzymes are perhaps the most overlooked component of digestive health.
Not only are digestive enzymes required for the breakdown and digestion of food. But their benefits extend well beyond that too…
World-renowned colon expert Dr. Hiromi Shinya suggests in his book “The Enzyme Factor”, that undigested protein — particularly from milk products, fast food and red meat — can become ‘food’ for “bad” bacteria.
And these bad bacteria create all kinds of toxins that leak into the blood stream.
Meanwhile Dr. Edward Howell, author of “Enzyme Nutrition”, has demonstrated conclusively that using digestive enzymes can improve digestion, regulate weight, and ease the symptoms of a variety of health conditions.
If you take a look around, you’ll find a whole bunch of enzyme formulations being sold in the market. But they’re certainly not all created equal — especially when it comes to the enzyme that digests protein: PROTEASE.
And there’s a big reason of this…
Protease is the most expensive of the enzymes to make.
And there are several kinds of protease enzymes.
And while most formulations have high levels of amylase (digests carbohydrates), or lipase (digests fats), the protease (digests protein) tends to be LOW QUALITY and in low amounts with most formulations.
That’s why speaking to peak performance expert Wade Lightheart has been like a breath of fresh air.
He was disappointed with the low protease levels of most enzyme formulations. So he decided to create his own high-protease digestive enzyme formula instead, using only the highest quality ingredients.
And it’s called MASSZYMES ==> Masszymes digestive enzymes 
Wade assures me this is the most powerful protease supplement on the market.
(The formulation team who assisted him in designing these enzymes told him they have NEVER created a more potent enzyme combination. And you can check out a great comparison chart on that page I’ve linked to, showing the enzyme quantities in Masszymes compared to other formulas).
Scroll down this page to see the chart ==> Masszymes formula comparison 
I’m using Wade’s enzymes formula right now too, and I’m really noticing a positive difference. Highly recommend them.
P.S. Did you know that taking a protease supplement can actually help reduce strength loss, and boost short-term strength recovery too when you train?
Here’s the scientific proof:

And here’s where to go again to get your hands on Masszymes: ==> Wade’s digestive enzymes formula.
MassZymes Advanced Enzymes Formula

Final chance to try ‘em (And your burning questions answered)

The buzz about protease enzymes has been incredible since I introduced everyone to MassZymes this past week.

I guess you and I are very alike because I jumped all over this the first I discovered MassZymes too.
In fact, more than 1,000 bottles of MassZymes have been snapped up since I announced the up to 38% discount this past week.
You’ll find everything you need to know about MassZymes here:
FAIR WARNING: If you’d like to get on board and give them a try, I highly recommend taking action now. The manufacturer creates these products in quite small batches, and there’s a complex 5-6 week culturing process involved each time.
So they will close the doors to new orders at some point, (to ensure they have enough bottles for existing customers)
Now, I’m not here to shove supplements down your throat.
But the truth is every once in a while I’ll introduce you to stuff that can make a huge impact.
And it’s only natural that a LOT of you have been asking questions about these enzymes (And rightly so, since this topic of enzymatic digestion is new to a lot of you).
Frankly, the supplement industry is more interested in selling you the sizzle and not the steak.
Most supplements are all sizzle… MassZymes are the steak!
To help you make a fair decision, Wade’s kindly stepped in to answer the questions you’ve been asking - thanks Wade!!
There were A LOT of questions and you’ll see we tackled these head on because I respect your time, money and attention.
HERE’S THE “FAQ” of your questions:
1. Mike asks:
I'm curious as to who validated the enzyme content and quantities advertized in the MassZymes you are promoting? Anyone can say their product is the best. Independent third party analysis is what proves it.

WADE’S RESPONSE: All of the products are tested at a lab facility for content and potency. Even then, many manufacturers fudge numbers and that's why we offer a 60 day money back satisfaction guarantee.
Because numbers on a lab assay or ingredient list are one thing...
Results are another. If Masszymes aren't the most potent enzyme formulation you've ever taken, simply send it back for a full refund.
Scroll down to read it here => Masszymes 60-day guarantee
2. Christian D. asks:
So would any enzyme supplements be good to add to my supplements intake...?
WADE’S RESPONSE: NO. Enzymes come in a range of strengths, potency and effectiveness.
Our enzymes are “cultured enzymes”, which are developed over 6 weeks under highly specialized conditions — resulting in enzymes that are up to 1000X more potent than a food enzyme.
Also, we use stabilized plant-based enzymes that work in a pH range from 2-12, which is far more versatile than animal or regular food enzymes. We also have our unique Tri-Phase protease which cleaves protein into usable amino acids in the upper cardiac portion of the stomach — where protein digestion begins — all the way through the digestive system.
Masszymes was the first muscle-building specific enzyme blend ever developed.
And it was the key that allowed me to win ‘All Natural National Bodybuilding Championships’ while consuming less than 85 grams of plant protein per day. This was unheard of until the development of the Masszymes formula.
The first ever muscle-building specific enzyme => MassZymes
3. Raul asks:
Is this also good to use for my kids age from 6 and 7 years old. Pls advise!
WADE’S RESPONSE: Absolutely! In fact it's perhaps the best way to fight off viruses and bacteria. We suggest 1 capsule for every 20kg of body-weight.
Kids do extraordinarily well on both Masszymes and P3-OM.
5. Anonymous asks:
Is this ok for a woman to take?

WADE’S RESPONSE: Absolutely. Women love how our product reduces inflammation, bloating, gas, and also improves skin tone.
When your digestion is ‘on track’, you get that radiant glow to your face that everyone recognizes as healthy. We have an incredible number of women who swear by the P3-OM / Massyzme combo for eliminating candida and herpes flare ups.
6. Darrin B. asks:
So why not just consume BCAA’s then instead? That’s my question when I read the article. Cheers!
WADE’S RESPONSE: Good questions. BCAA's are a building block, but enzymes and probiotics are “workers”.
Even the best BCAA's require enzymes and probiotics to effectively deliver the products to your muscles. That's not to say BCAA's aren't effective.
Enzymes and Probiotics are the catalysts, and they also eliminate undigested protein from the intestinal tract, which is critical to long term digestive and eliminative health.
Once you have completed 30-, 60- or 90-days, you will find that your BCAA stack will work even better, because you have more workers and less pathogenic bacteria in your digestive system.
Enzymes and probiotics also have a wide array of functions in the body beyond digestion and assimilation.
7. Arnaud asks:
Most supplements are crap. i've been working on my nutrition lately and I'm a kinesiology major so I can't help but be a little skeptical.
Would you stake your reputation on this product in saying that it will make some sort of positive impact on my fitness/health?
It is expensive, and i know about the 60 day guarantee, but before i try any new types of supplements i want to know that you can honestly say it’s a good product. Thank you for your time, Arnaud.

WADE’S RESPONSE: Hi Arnaud, I studied kinesiology at the University of New Brunswick. And my business partner at Masszymes Inc, Matt, studied kinesiology at the University of Moncton.
I also currently serve as a sports nutritionist and adviser to the American Anti-Cancer Institute, so I believe a healthy dose of skepticism is definitely warranted.
When I first began intensive enzyme and probiotic research in 2003, I had no idea how complex the science was, or how many bogus products were out there.
Fortunately, I was mentored by one of the top enzyme and probiotic scientists in the world — which rapidly reduced the learning curve.
The bottom line is you can feel the difference after a few months.
Enzymes and probiotics are not like regular supplements — such as creatine or No2, which create a quick response. Rather, they build up over time in the system gradually, steadily increasing your digestive health and immune system capacity.
My suggestion is to check out books by Dr. Edward Howell, such as ‘Enzyme Nutrition’, and ‘Food Enzymes for Health and Longevity’, or world renowned colon doctor, Dr. Hiromi Shinya's books called ‘The Enzyme Factor’ and ‘The Microbe Factor’.
These experts spent decades of real world research in demonstrating the effectiveness of enzymes and probiotics for health. We just took the research and used it to enhance performance, without resorting to drugs and chemicals — which is primarily in vogue in the medical community due to the profits made on drugs.
MassyZmes and P3-OM are super expensive to make, and therefore less attractive solutions to companies who produce pharmacological drugs — which are far more profitable than optimized nutrition. Our company is privately held and does not have to answer to profit-hungry shareholders.
8. Vince asks: What do you know about the impact of enzymes with feedback loops in your body? If you ALWAYS took enzymes, wouldn't your body stop it's own production?
WADE’S RESPONSE: Good question on the biofeedback loops. I follow a similar process on all of the supplements that I have used in the last 15 years with the exception of Enzymes and here’s why:
The only thing that does work in your body are Enzymes. And enzymes are present in virtually every food on the planet, so that we break it down during "optimal digestion".
The only species on the planet to cook its food is HUMANS. Cooking, processing, and irradiating food destroys enzymes in the food, putting extra metabolic work on the body.
The body is forced to metabolize muscle — either smooth or striated — in order to manufacture it's own digestive enzymes to break down the "enzyme-deficient food".
Further compounding the problem is that modern food has significantly less protein and enzymes than food grown just a 100 years ago. That’s because food grown on mineral deficient soil converts protein from the food into enzymes in order to grow the plants.
This problem is compounded by the use of steroids, Growth Hormone, dyes, preservatives, herbicides, pesticides and fungicides — which interrupt the enzyme capacity of all organisms that ingest them (that includes people).
Dr. Edward Howell reported in the in the middle of the last century that the average individual has less than 30% of their enzyme potential by the age of 40.
Interestingly, virtually all animals will fast when sick or injured, so that their enzyme potentially is used maximally to boost healing in the body.
The benefits of fasting are largely from the relief on the digestive system from the process of digestion, which some experts estimate takes up 50-70% of metabolism.
Years ago I experimented with ultra-high dosages of enzymes and probiotics during fasting, to see if I could accelerate detoxification results. And the results were profound.
I use these same protocols for people who are sick with conditions like the Big C — with incredible results as well.
Check out Dr. Howell's ‘Enzyme Nutrition’ and ‘Food Enzymes for Health and Longevity’, which contain a host of incredible studies backing up the science of long term use of enzymes.
Matt and I have used this product for 10 years without any challenges, And I can say this... we have both experimented with periods off the product, which simply suck... LOL
Many people believe that supplementing enzymes compromises enzyme production in the body.
However, there has been no scientific study anywhere in last 100 years, that I am aware of, that demonstrates supplementation of enzymes compromises ANY of the biofeedback loops of the body.
Of course, the ultimate proof is by monitoring one’s own body through blood analysis, genetic testing, hair analysis, GDV testing etc.
I hope that answers your question.
A HUGE THANK YOU TO WADE for taking the time to answer those questions. I hope you all got a lot of value and clarity from his responses. (I certainly learned a few things myself).
Remember, Wade will only keep the doors open to his MassZymes enzymes while he has sufficient stock to meet his existing customer’s demands.
And at the current rate, those doors will be closing soon.
I strongly suggest you secure your supply of Masszymes and P3-OM today while you can:
Biotimizers MassZymes Advanced Enzymes

Biotimizers MassZymes Advanced Enzymes Discount


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